Make Your 1/4" GuitarLines (G-LinesTM)
All 1/4" "cables" are made in PedalSnake by plugging G-LineTM (GuitarLine) Pigtails into a Base
Snake channel. All G-Line Pigtail KIts come in 2-Packs, one Pigtail for each end of the channel..
The following 1/4" cable applications found in a typical guitar rig are shown below, along with the recommended G-Line Pigtail to use.
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Guitar Cable to the Amp Input
Replaces a single "guitar cord".
Make two 1/4' send and return lines from any channel. Also works great for "wireless out and back".
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1/4" Amp Footswitch
PedalSnake® is the trademark name for Stage Magic's All-in-One Pedal Cabling Solution. Copyright © 2012 Stage Magic, Inc